10 Reasons Why You Should Learn To Play Guitar
A friend of mine recently told me that he always had the dream to play guitar. Yet he never started, because he was always focused on being able to play. But he has never considered that learning to play is also good for you.
So Thomas, Especially for you here are 10 advantages of learning how to play guitar.
1. Learning to play guitar makes you smarter.
New structures develop in your brain when you learn something new. For example, children who are raised bilingual are growing smarter because they develop more of these structures. They can reason everything from differents perspectives.
This applies not only to language but also to playing the guitar. The brain is a kind of muscle and learning to play an Guitar, is a good brain workout. You have to practice regularly and you are also regularly rewarded with noticeable progress. In addition, students are emotionally involved in playing guitar. TU Delft calls this effective study and even uses it as an example for a good learning process.
2. Changes and incentives are always good for you.
Not only children benefit from learning how to play the guitar. Even if you are 60 years old, it is even more good for you when your brain is stimulated. You train your memory, keep your thinking power flexible and also improve your concentration when playing guitar. It is never too late to learn something new, but it is always too early to do anything more.
3. You learn multi-tasking, plan and improve your coordination.
A Professional guitarist must be able to do many things at once. Read the music, position your hand well and think ahead, because you have to play, listen and follow every note. Although it sounds difficult, this is quite normal for a guitarist. That is why I always say: 'Practice makes perfect'. Everyone can learn this with the right lessons; you too. Have you already looked at our courses on offer?
4. Better in language and mathematics.
Classical guitar with musical notes Although we say that creativity in general takes place more in the right half of the brain and more concrete knowledge in the left half, music seems to connect well. Christopher Johnson - a professor in music education and music therapy - has conducted a study on the link between learning to play an instrument and school results. And what appears, pupils score 20 percent better on mathematics and language when they also do music education. What is not crazy, if you take a deeper look at rhythms and chord progressions.
5. Learning to play guitar makes you more creative and empathetic.
Playing an instrument is not only a good discharge point for your creativity, it also makes you literally more creative. This is because you have developed new structures in your brain by learning how to play an instrument. But you already knew that.
Yes, the human brain is complicated and many things are connected. Even neuropsychologists do not know the beauty of it yet. What they have discovered is that social cognition (empathy) is more pronounced among musicians.
But I have been talking about the benefits on the brain and personal development for too long. Learning to play guitar brings many more benefits.
6. Playing guitar is social.
No instrument is just as ideal as the guitar to conjure up at a party or a campfire. It is a compact instrument, ideal for backpacking, sounds good (if you know how to tune the guitar), you can find so many places everywhere that you can play a tune and it always adds to the atmosphere. Everyone loves music. Whole groups can sing along with your guitar.
If you can play songs.
Because yes, you can hardly sing along with a few separate chords. But the good news is that it is not that difficult to learn to play a song. In lesson 1 of the Online Guitar Academy, for example, you learn to play with Coldplay's number Clocks. If you first focus on learning to play one song, you will have a song in your music repertoire in a while. You can then start with the second number. Then a third. This is all part of the learning process. And it is also fun to do.
7. Guitar game
This whole blog post is about learning to play the guitar also brings benefits. Still, I have been talking about it twice now. But you know what: you learn to play guitar. You do not have to be able to do it right away.
As soon as you have a tune in your fingers, you can play it whenever you want. And that works relaxing. Is it all too much at work? Is your partner constantly complaining, or are you unable to achieve good results? Then take your guitar and put your worries on zero. Everybody needs relaxation every now and then. It is better to escape the crowds on your guitar for a quarter of an hour than to remain in the stress. A stressful life takes less time than one in which you have learned to relax (to quote every research about stress).
8. Playing guitar lowers blood pressure.
A Dutch study proves that musicians have lower blood pressure than people who do not play instruments. By learning to play the guitar you improve the cardiovascular system in a way that can be just as effective as fitness. But also fun. Perhaps this is why a study by the University of Utah shows that playing an instrument helps to relieve physical pain.
9. Strengthen the muscles in your hands and wrists.
By learning to play the guitar your fingers become stronger and more agile. For example, use the fingers of your left hand (or right hand, depending on your dominant hand) to press the strings and to place finger grips on the neck. The right hand (or left hand, of course) is used for picking the strings (also called strumming) and striking chords. The final result is stronger, more flexible hands and fingers.
10. Play guitar to become happier.